Radio Coyote


Radio Station / Sound Installation 

Radio Coyote launched in the spring of 2021 as a short-range FM station, broadcast to 88.1 FM for anyone within a few blocks from the Wattis Institute, as well as an online streaming channel, with a custom-designed website running 24/7, with shows produced by friends and past collaborators, and recordings from his personal collection, along with the entire back catalog from Sicksicksick Distro.

Radio Coyote was commissioned by CCA Wattis, produced with assistant curator Diego Villalobos, and was initially broadcast on 88.1 FM in Potrero Hill, San Francisco until 2022. The station is currently produced by Atomic Culture and with live broadcasts in Tulsa’s Greenwood / Arts District on 90.1 FM from 2022–2023.