

Plainsong is a large format outdoor score displayed on the side of a building, presenting musical staves and noteheads of various sizes. While producing long-sustaining tones on any instrument, musicians move to discrete near or distanced positions in order to navigate through the score. Plainsong does not have clear beginnings or endings; a performance of tones appearing as a slow-paced interruption in the day.

– For many musicians with sustaining instruments.
– Each musician begins the piece by positioning themselves in a spot to read any triangular notehead on the score. This may require them to be far or near the score.
– Perform the pitch (using any clef suitable for the instrument: treble, bass, alto, etc) and hold the tone.
– The three points of the triangular notehead point to potential next notes to be played. While still holding the tone, move to a new location to comfortably view the next notehead and its staff, then play the new note.
– Movement between new locations should allow for distance from other players. One may wait before choosing and moving to a new note to achieve this.
– The piece should last for a long time. The performers may decide upon a duration and how to conclude the piece. In the event that a performer cannot move to a new position, or has felt that they have played every notehead in the piece, they may end their playing and stand until the piece is over.

Commissioned by AKA Artist-Run Centre, Saskatoon, SK